Champion MindSet: with Taylor Woods
Image: Kate Frese
3 mins read
by Dr. Chantale Lussier, PhD
May was mental health awareness month but of course, mental health matters 365 days of the year. So I (CL) caught up with Taylor Woods (TW) pro hockey player, 2023 Isabel Cup Champion and Strong Woman World Champion, to ask her about how she cares for her mental wellness and what mindset allows her to thrive as a dual sport athlete and high performer. Check out the great insights she had to share!
CL: What does mental health mean to you at this point in your life?
TW: Overall wellness has always been a salient factor for me in my life, especially the physical side in athletics. Now competing at many high levels on different stages, I’ve had to break down what “wellness,” actually is and all it’s components - physical, mental, social, etc. in order to make sure I’m fully supporting and giving the best opportunity to thrive in training and performance. Caring for my mental health and wellness has become one of the more forefront focuses to find that extra 5-10% more in all of my daily practices.
The Arnold’s Amateur StrongWoman Championship 2023
CL: Describe to us your mindset and does it differ in hockey from strongwoman competition
TW: My number 1 mindset is that you go in and perform the task in front of you at 100% of your effort and capabilities. Whether that is practice skills on ice, squatting for reps, or coaching a private session - I’m 100% invested in the job that’s required of me with respect to the discipline. With that being said, I have to have a little more finesse with hockey and sense of composure within situations versus going all out in a specific planned movement or event in strongwoman. I can for sure tap into similar energy systems while performing, but there are other physical and mental factors such as power/speed/endurance domains, information processing, length and uniqueness of competition and task complexity that will affect overall mentality and mindset.
Image: Lori Bolliger
CL: Without giving away all your secrets, in preparation for a game or competition what is one thing you do to mentally prepare yourself to excel?
TW: I listen to music just to disassociate the outside world to my competition, then I visualize or think about cues of how I want to feel when performing. Music allows me to get into a flow state and puts me into a similar environment as training or competing. Cues can be derived from training, or specific goals I have for performance or outcome, but are typically connected to what emotional state I want to be in.
Image: Tina Torres
CL: Any advice for young athletes? What’s one thing you would say to your younger self?
TW: Enjoy the moment! I don’t look further past the tip of my nose when I’m practicing and training because the process is where dreams are made of. Competing is where you celebrate your joy and process. You’re not defined just by one moment in time - more better and best moments of yourself are still yet to come.
CL: Love It! Thanks for sharing these great insights Taylor!
Image: Lori Bolliger
To learn more about Taylor, check out her bio below and follow her social media platforms on Twitter and Instagram for all her latest!
Guest bio: Taylor Woods is a Cornell university graduate, certified strength and conditioning specialist, CF1 trainer, ISSA master trainer, certified fitness/youth fitness trainer, specialist in fitness nutrition, specialist in exercise therapy, pro hockey player since 2016. She has earned many great titles including being a IIHF U18 World Champion, a NCAA Clarkson Cup Champion, a 2023 Isobel Cup winner, and the Arnold Amateur Strong Woman World Champion 2023. Focused, driven, genuine, and kind, Taylor is an incredible person and dual sport athlete who effectively balances the demands of being a pro hockey player with the intense training necessary in Strongwoman too.
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