Thea Froehlich
“I have had the pleasure of working with Chantale Lussier for six years, over the course of which she has continually gone above and beyond the duties of a mental performance consultant (MPC) to help me through the many highs and lows I have encountered in my sport and in my life.”
“When I began working with Chantale, we met once every couple of weeks and she quickly became one of my biggest role models. I felt so inspired by the ideas we talked about together, and as she shared her wisdom and positive outlook on the world with me, my confidence and determination grew quickly. That first season that Chantale and I started working together was the first year I made the Senior National Slalom Kayak Team.” “
“Qualifying for the Canadian Team had been my dream for as long as I can remember, and I strongly believe that I could not have achieved what I did that season without Chantale. With her support I have managed to qualify for the team every year since, representing Canada on the world stage. Over the next few years, I changed a lot both as a person and as an athlete. Chantale became not only someone I looked to for inspiration and guidance, but someone I trusted implicitly with the thoughts that made me feel the most vulnerable. Even though I spend months each year training and competing abroad, she always makes an effort to stay connected and to offer me her support. Through these times, Chantale remained supportive, compassionate, professional and creative, and continued to offer me her extraordinary insight. It is obvious that Chantale takes a genuine interest in my sport and in my well being. She has even taken the time to come paddling with me so that she can better understand my sport and my passion. I can say without any doubt that Chantale has been the most influential member of my support team and has never faltered in making sure I feel that she is behind me. I am incredibly grateful to have her support and wisdom on my journey.”